Science Jokes

I never trust atoms...they make up everything!

Astronomer 1: What is preparation A? Astronomer 2: It's an over-the-counter drug used to relieve the pain and suffering of asteroids.

What do you do when a chemist dies? You Barium

Q: how many programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: none, that's a hardware problem

I am reading a great book on anti-gravity. I can not put it down.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar. And does not.


not a funny joke: je me suis pogné le build la semaine dernière


An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician were asked to hammer a nail into a wall. The engineer went to build a Universal Automatic Nailer -- a device able to hammer every possible nail into every possible wall. The physicist conducted series of experiments on strength of hammers, nails, and walls and developed a revolutionary technology of ultra-sonic nail hammering at super-low temperature. The mathematician generalized the problem to a N dimensional problem of penetration of a knotted one dimensional nail into a N-1 dimensional hyper-wall. Several fundamental theorems are proved. Of course, the problem is too rich to suggest a possibility of a simple solution, even the existence of a solution is far from obvious.

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